Spicy Japanese Eggplant

Yields: 4 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 5 Mins Cook Time: 20 Mins Total Time: 25 Mins

There are so many different kinds of eggplants available in the market. I try to make them very simply so the taste of the vegetable stays intact. I am using the long eggplant for this recipe with potatoes. Another easy side dish that can be added to the menu, with any lentil dish and can be a complete meal. Serve it with any kind of bread. I do not use too much oil in my dishes, but you are welcome to increase the oil if you like.

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0/9 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
  • Dry Spices mixed together


0/7 Instructions
  • Cut the eggplant in small pieces.
  • Add the mixed dry spices to the eggplant and mix it thoroughly.
  • Turn the heat on medium high and place the wok with oil in it.
  • When the oil is hot add the eggplant to it.
  • Let it cook on low heat, mixing it in intervals.
  • In a separate pan add some oil to saute the potatoes and make it brown.
  • When the potatoes are done add them to the eggplant. When you try to squeeze the vegetable with your spoon and it is soft that means it is done. Turn the heat off and enjoy this spicy eggplant dish.

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