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55 recipe(s) found

Aloo Frankie / Potato Frankie

Potato Frankie is a street food. This can be eaten as a snack to curb the hunger pangs in between meals or I usually eat it for dinner or lunch, when I get tired of the usual food. This is a welcome change. The good thing about this is its flexibility of the ingredients. There...

Ginger and Tamarind Rasam

Rasam is a kind of soup usually accompanied with sambhar. Just like sambhar, rasam has also a lot of different recipes. Rasam for vegetarians is like chicken soup for non vegetarians comfort food. Every region and every household in southern India have their own recipe for Rasam. Me being a Punjabi, have my own version....

Chatpati Gobhi / Spicy Cauliflower

Cauliflower is one of the most common vegetable in Indian cuisine, which makes it popular as well.  Usually it is used with potatoes but I prefer it without potatoes, but you are welcome to use potatoes  in this recipe. Cauliflower is a very low calorie food and it is also high in Vitamin C. I...


Calzone or a pocket pizza is one of our family favorites. You practically can make the stuffing with anything you like, it could be mushroom, spinach, broccoli, onion, turkey, ground chicken the options are endless. If you are using meat stuffing just remember when you are sauteing, it would take a longer time to cook....

Aloo Parantha / Stuffed Potato Parantha

Wow one more use of potatoes loved by every one. In fact my one year grand child asks for this all the time. This is a universal favorite for all age groups from one year onward. Obviously, you might want to skip the Serrano peppers and the chili powder if you are going to make...

Garhwal Curry

Another recipe that I inherited from my mother in law. She would make this on our request when the whole family got together. I learnt it from her but still it does not taste as good as when she made it, but it is definitely one of my favorite lentil dish. It is a complete...

Bhindi Masala / Okra Masala

Okra or bhindi is one such vegetable that is liked by everyone. I still have to come across some one who does not like okra. In addition to the popularity this vegetable is also one of the easiest to cook. I personally do not like to use too many ingredients in the vegetables, I believe...

Spicy Japanese Eggplant

There are so many different kinds of eggplants available in the market. I try to make them very simply so the taste of the vegetable stays intact. I am using the long eggplant for this recipe with potatoes. Another easy side dish that can be added to the menu, with any lentil dish and can...

Baingan Aloo / Small Eggplant with Potatoes

I love the versatility of eggplants. I do not understand why eggplant is not very popular among people. I love eggplants and they are so simple to cook and this particular recipe is stress free. It cooks on its own and you really do not have to do much. Try this once and you would...

Saag Paneer

The most popular dish among my non Indian friends is Saag Paneer. Saag is very popular North Indian cuisine. Power packed with nutrition and taste. Actually it is one of my kids favorite dish as well. I find it very easy to make. I usually make large batches of boiled saag and leave it in...