Spicy Japanese Eggplant

There are so many different kinds of eggplants available in the market. I try to make them very simply so the taste of the vegetable stays intact. I am using the long eggplant for this recipe with potatoes. Another easy side dish that can be added to the menu, with any lentil dish and can …

Ginger and Tamarind Rasam

Rasam is a kind of soup usually accompanied with sambhar. Just like sambhar, rasam has also a lot of different recipes. Rasam for vegetarians is like chicken soup for non vegetarians comfort food. Every region and every household in southern India have their own recipe for Rasam. Me being a Punjabi, have my own version. …

Tomato Chutney

Tomato chutney is usually an accompaniment with the Toor Dal (Yellow pigeon pea split) and rice. In our house, it is a Sunday special light food. Since it is a very easy meal to make, it is a perfect lunch to make on a lazy Sunday. You can adjust the spices according to your taste.

Tinda Subzi (Baby pumpkin)

Tinda or baby pumpkin is the member of the squash family. It is considered a very boring vegetable, but people like my sister loves it. She can eat this any time of the day. It is similar to zucchini and is about 5-8 cm in diameter. Very popular in Indian and Pakistani cuisine and is …