Gulab Jamun

Yields: 30 Servings Difficulty: Medium Prep Time: 10 Mins Cook Time: 35 Mins Total Time: 45 Mins

No Indian meal is complete without a dessert. When we talk about dessert Gulab Jamun is number one on the list. Although there are different stories on the origin of this sumptuous dessert, some stories say it is an accidental creation by the Mughul Emperor Shah Jahan’s personal chef and some people believe it is brought in by the Central Asian invaders and also the word Gul or Gulab means rose. No matter what the story is of its origin I would highly recommend you to try this recipe if you are fond of desserts. It is generally made of khoa in India but since khoa is not readily available in America we use milk powder to make almost all our desserts that use khoa. Gulab Jamun can be enjoyed warm or cold as per your preference, I have seen some people enjoying this with Ice cream as well.

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0/9 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
  • For the syrup


0/8 Instructions
  • Mix sugar and water in a pot with the cardamom, turn the stove on.
  • Once the syrup boils lower the heat and let it simmer till the syrup thickens. While the syrup is cooking get the gulab jamun ready.
  • Gulab Jamun
  • Mix all the dry ingredients (Milk powder, all-purpose flour, baking powder).
  • Add the oil and knead the dough with the whipping cream. Make sure it is not too sticky, depending on the flour sometimes it might not take the whole pack of the whipping cream, so pour the whipping cream slowly as needed.
  • Make the balls smooth to fry in the oil.
  • When the oil is hot turn the heat on medium low and fry the gulab jamun.
  • Once they turn brown take them out on the paper towel.
  • When the syrup is thickened add the fried balls in it and let them soak in it on the stove on low heat for about ten minutes.

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