Burmese Tea Salad / Lapheto

Yields: 1 Serving Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 10 Mins Cook Time: 10 Mins Total Time: 20 Mins

A very strong, aromatic salad made with tea leaves. This is usually eaten with rice. The good thing about Burmese food is that the spices can be adjusted as per your taste. The tea leaves taste a little pungent, not readily available but can be ordered through Amazon or any Burmese specialty store. Now you can even buy Lapheto packs which includes the tea leaves and the crunchy nuts, you just have to add the fresh ingredients to it.

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0/9 Ingredients
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0/2 Instructions
  • Mix shredded cabbage and the tea leaves together. Let it sit for about five minutes.
  • Finely chop the tomatoes and add to the cabbage. Mix the chopped green pepper. salt, lemon juice and oil. Mix everything with your hand so all the juices mix together. Right before serving add the nuts so they do not loose the crunchiness.


  1. Dear Mamta
    Love your blog ! Great pictures !
    All the best to you and to your beautifully designed website !
    Juliet Maya

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